Code of Conduct

LAN IT 24 GmbH - Behavioral requirements for integrity

Behavioral requirements for the integrity of LAN IT 24 GmbH trust that the personal interests of the employees do not conflict with the corporate interests.

We treat other people with fairness and respect.

We treat others fairly, considerately and with respect. Our goal is to value all employees equally and to support them in achieving their individual potential. Always and without exception.

Human rights 

We treat our fellow human beings with respect and uphold human rights. As a company aiming for profitable growth, we want to create sustainable value. We strive to make a positive contribution to respect for human rights and the well-being of people.

We are committed to complying with internationally recognized labor and social standards. Our commitment includes labor standards as set out in the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

​In our business activities, we are always careful not to cause human rights violations or to contribute indirectly to them. As participants in numerous global value chains, we rely on our partners and expect them to abide by human rights and the associated international labor and social standards. In this context, we support our partners in fulfilling their respective responsibilities with regard to human rights.

We treat our fellow human beings with respect and uphold human rights. As a company aiming for profitable growth, we want to create sustainable value. We strive to make a positive contribution to respect for human rights and the well-being of people.

We are committed to complying with internationally recognized labor and social standards. Our commitment includes labor standards as set out in the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

In our business activities, we are always careful not to cause human rights violations or to contribute indirectly to them. As participants in numerous global value chains, we rely on our partners and expect them to abide by human rights and the associated international labor and social standards. In this context we support ours.

Respectful interaction in the workplace

All employees of LAN IT 24 GmhH should always feel valued and respected. We therefore do not tolerate condescending, degrading, insulting or otherwise disrespectful words and deeds towards our colleagues. This is a basic requirement for our motivation and commitment in the company.

Our teams build on talent and diversity - and that is exactly what defines our success. We promote an inclusive work environment that leaves room for diversity and in which people with different backgrounds, perspectives and perspectives and from different regions come together on an equal footing.

We do not tolerate any disadvantage or discrimination based on age, ethnic background, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, identity or expression, national origin, religion, disability, genetic information or personal characteristics and preferences. These principles guide all decisions regarding our employees from recruitment and hiring to promotions, perks, disciplinary measures and terminations.

We consider health and safety to be of paramount importance

We act responsibly in all of our global business activities. In doing so, we not only comply with the applicable regulations, but also go one step further to reduce risks and minimize our impact on the environment.

Our teams build on talent and diversity - and that is exactly what defines our success. We promote an inclusive work environment that leaves room for diversity and in which people with different backgrounds, perspectives and perspectives and from different regions come together on an equal footing.

We do not tolerate any disadvantage or discrimination based on age, ethnic background, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, identity or expression, national origin, religion, disability, genetic information or personal characteristics and preferences. These principles guide all decisions regarding our employees from recruitment and hiring to promotions, perks, disciplinary measures and terminations.

Wir achten Gesundheit und Sicherheit als höchste Güter

Environment, health and safety

​ We are committed to energy efficiency and climate protection and work continuously to develop sustainable solutions for our businesses and facilities and for our customers. In all of our business activities and in close cooperation with our suppliers, we adhere to high health and safety standards, thereby maintaining the trust of our employees, customers, business partners and other interest groups. We are well prepared for possible incidents and emergencies in order to be able to initiate suitable measures.

We use our products and resources in the best possible way along the entire value chain and act responsibly when operating our systems and transporting our products around the world.

An obligation that we share with our partners and suppliers

 We have set ourselves ambitious goals in the areas of safety, health and environmental protection - and we expect the same from our business partners. We count on our suppliers, in particular, to commit themselves to these goals and work together with them to improve their sustainability performance.

Conflicts of Interest from Secondary Employment

 A secondary job is any activity in which the worker is made available to a third party outside the main employment relationship - regardless of whether this is paid or unpaid. This also includes self-employed secondary employment.

We are not allowed to engage in any secondary activity that is contrary to the interests of LAN IT 24 GmbH, especially if there are competitive reasons against it.

 Private investments

Equity investments in competitors or business partners of LAN IT 24 GmbH that enable entrepreneurial influence are not in the interests of the company.

Private use of company property

The private use of company property is fundamentally not permitted, unless otherwise stated in individual or collective law or in accordance with company regulations or company practice.

Business relationships

Trust, fairness and a high degree of independence in business decisions shape the way we deal with business partners. Private interests and personal advantages must not influence our business decisions.

 Business relationships with customers

How we design customer contact has a lasting impact on the image of our company. It is therefore a matter of course for us that we behave in accordance with the rules and at the same time ethically correct in this sensitive area. Specifically, this means, for example: We only call our customers for advertising purposes within the legally permissible framework. And: We do not advise our customers to buy products or services that they obviously do not need.

Active corruption

In order to maintain the trust of our customers, we refrain from any form of corrupt behavior and avoid even the bare appearance of it. We are not allowed to offer, promise or grant unauthorized advantages to members of the public sector at home and abroad or to decision-makers in private companies in order to achieve behavior that is favorable for LAN IT 24 GmbH or a decision that is favorable for LAN IT 24 GmbH. We must pay particular attention to this when it comes to gifts and invitations to business lunches and events.

Should we be asked by members of the public sector or by decision-makers in private companies to grant unauthorized advantages, we will inform our executives or their management.

public orders

The public sector is an important customer of our company. We observe the regulations on the award procedure for public contracts and in particular the rules for avoiding unauthorized interference.

Trade controls

LAN IT 24 GmbH is actively involved in the international exchange of goods and services and supports free world trade. We follow existing trade controls and comply with the regulations on import and export controls and economic embargoes.

​Business relationships with competitors

 LAN IT 24 GmbH is committed to free competition as a fundamental part of the market economy

In all business agreements and all business relationships with third parties, we pay particular attention to the legal requirements to ensure free competition. This applies in particular to agreements with competitors and other third parties if these agreements can impair competition. We do not participate in price agreements or prohibited coordination of market behavior between competitors. We are committed to dealing fairly with our business partners and competitors and do not abuse existing room for maneuver. We also do not disseminate false information about our competitors' products and services or try to gain competitive advantage in other unfair ways. We expressly reject competitive espionage as a means of obtaining unfair information about our competitors.

Business relationships with suppliers

We maintain trusting and fair business relationships with our suppliers. Conversely, we expect our suppliers to treat us with the same respect and integrity that we show them.

Purchasing operates in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate.

Passive corruption

We make our business decisions exclusively in the interests of LAN IT 24 GmbH and put private interests aside. We must not allow ourselves to be influenced in business decisions by offering or accepting unauthorized advantages from suppliers and customers. Neither do we demand unauthorized advantages from them.

We already want to avoid the appearance that we allow ourselves to be influenced by advantages in business decisions. If we are unsure whether we should receive a gift, a

​If we are allowed to accept an invitation to a business lunch or an invitation to an event from a supplier or customer, we contact our management

If we are offered, promised or granted unauthorized advantages, we will inform our management.

Shopping bypass

Purchasing is responsible for procuring goods and services competently at optimal conditions. Bypassing purchasing can lead to disadvantages for LAN IT 24 GmbH. Therefore, all purchasing processes must be processed by purchasing.

Money laundering

LAN IT 24 GmbH takes all necessary measures to prevent money laundering in its sphere of influence.

Handling information data security

The security of data is of paramount importance for LAN IT 24 GmbH. It has a significant impact on business success and public image. We therefore protect company data as well as personal customer and employee data with all available suitable and appropriate technical and organizational means against unauthorized access, unauthorized or improper use, loss and premature destruction.

data protection

We know about the high sensitivity of the personal data entrusted to us by our customers, employees, shareholders and suppliers and protect them through careful and trusting handling. Each individual is responsible within the scope of his or her duties to ensure a high level of protection in LAN IT 24 GmbH. We are supported by a large number of technical and organizational measures aimed at ensuring the confidentiality of personal data. Internal regulations ensure a uniformly high level of data protection worldwide.

We collect and process sensitive data only with the consent of the data subject, if a clear legal norm allows this or if it is necessary to fulfill a contractual obligation. In addition, we collect, process and use personal data only to the extent necessary and only for the intended purposes. We respect the comprehensive rights of the people whose data we collect, process and use.

General secrecy

In addition to the technical and organizational measures for data protection, everyone is obliged to protect operational interests. We therefore do not unnecessarily communicate information from and about our company to the outside world.

In personal conversations or telephone calls with colleagues in public (such as on public transport), we ensure the confidentiality of this information. We also protect our business documents from unauthorized viewing.

Dealing with inside information

If insider information becomes public, it can have a significant impact on the stock exchange or market price of the respective securities. In order to protect the trust of investors in the functionality of the capital market, the handling of insider information is strictly regulated. Anyone who gains knowledge of inside information is subject to a special ban on trading, a ban on recommending and enticing as well as a ban on unauthorized disclosure. Issuers of financial instruments are generally obliged to immediately publish such inside information that affects them directly (ad hoc publication obligation).

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